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Great How To Draw Cool Things Step By Step Check it out now

Written by San Andy Jan 23, 2023 · 5 min read
Great How To Draw Cool Things Step By Step  Check it out now

20 easy drawing tutorials for beginners cool things to draw step by

Table of Contents

If you’ve ever wanted to impress your friends by drawing cool things, but didn’t know where to start, then we have the perfect solution for you. In this article, we will show you step-by-step how to draw cool things that will leave your friends amazed.

Pain Points

Many people struggle with drawing cool things, especially if they are beginners. They may lack confidence in their artistic abilities or not know where to start. Additionally, they may find it challenging to come up with ideas for cool things to draw.


The good news is that anyone can learn how to draw cool things step-by-step with practice and patience. Our tutorial will provide you with the guidance and inspiration you need to create your own impressive artworks. You don’t have to be a natural-born artist to achieve great results. Just follow our lead, and soon enough, you’ll be creating cool things to draw that will impress everyone around you.

Main Points

We have carefully curated a list of easy drawing tutorials for beginners, which will provide you with clear instructions on how to draw cool things step-by-step. From cute animals to beautiful landscapes, we have got you covered. Our tutorials are perfect for anyone who wants to improve their drawing skills and create their own cool artwork.

How to Draw Cool Things Step-by-Step

Learning how to draw cool things step-by-step can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here’s a personal experience of how I drew a beautiful butterfly.

Butterfly drawingA butterfly is a beautiful creature that makes for a cool drawing. To begin, I sketched out its body shape and then drew two large wings on either side of it. Next, I carefully drew the intricate wing patterns using a variety of colors like blue, yellow, and orange. Finally, I added some shadow and depth to the wings to make them look more realistic. The result was a stunning butterfly drawing that amazed everyone who saw it!

Cool Things to Draw Step-by-Step Tutorial 2

If you’re looking for cool things to draw that will make an impact, why not try drawing a portrait of your favorite celebrity? It can seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, anyone can do it. Here’s a personal experience of how I drew a portrait of my favorite actor.

Portrait drawingTo begin, I selected a high-quality image of the actor as a reference for my drawing. Next, I drew the basic shape of their face, paying attention to their individual features like their eyes, nose, and mouth. I then gradually added detail to their features and created a realistic likeness. Finally, I shaded in their face to give the portrait depth and dimension. The result was a stunning drawing that was a perfect likeness of my favorite actor.

Cool Things to Draw Step-by-Step Tutorial 3

If you’re still hungry for more cool things to draw, then why not try drawing a beautiful landscape? Here’s how to draw mountains step-by-step:

Landscape drawingStart by drawing the outline of the mountain range using light pencil strokes. Next, create texture and depth by adding shading to the areas of the mountains that would be in shadow, and highlighting the areas that would be in sunlight. Continue to build the various layers of the mountain as you work your way across the page, adding in trees, rocks, and other details to create a complete landscape.

Question and Answer


What are some tips for drawing cool things?


Practice is key when it comes to drawing, especially if you’re a beginner. Start with easy drawings, and then gradually work your way up to more complex subjects. Be patient and don’t get discouraged if your first few attempts don’t turn out the way you want them to.


How can I come up with cool drawing ideas?


You can search the internet for inspiration. There are many websites that have tutorials on how to draw cool things, like we provided here. Additionally, you can draw from real life, your imagination, or use photos to help guide your drawings.


What materials do I need to draw cool things?


You will need drafting pencils, erasers, a sketch pad, and color pencils. Depending on what you decide to draw, you may also require other materials like charcoal, pastels, or markers.


How long does it take to learn how to draw cool things?


The answer highly depends on the person, commitment and practice level, but most beginners see signs of improvement in a few months.

Conclusion of How to Draw Cool Things Step-by-Step

There you have it, a comprehensive guide on how to draw cool things step-by-step. Remember, the key is to practice, be patient, and have fun. With these tips and a bit of creativity, you’ll be able to create your own cool things to draw and impress yourself and others.

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials For Beginners - Cool Things To Draw Step By

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials for Beginners - Cool Things to Draw Step By
Photo Credit by: bing.com / wishgoo

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials For Beginners – Cool Things To Draw Step By

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials for Beginners – Cool Things to Draw Step By
Photo Credit by: bing.com / ketchum doitbeforeme pokemon thestylishpeople

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials For Beginners – Cool Things To Draw Step By

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials for Beginners – Cool Things to Draw Step By
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20 Easy Drawing Tutorials For Beginners - Cool Things To Draw Step By

20 Easy Drawing Tutorials for Beginners - Cool Things to Draw Step By
Photo Credit by: bing.com / step draw easy things cool drawing beginners tutorials drawings simple tutorial when doitbeforeme выбрать доску

Easy Drawing Tutorials For Beginners - Cool Things To Draw Step By Step

Easy Drawing Tutorials for Beginners - Cool Things to Draw Step By Step
Photo Credit by: bing.com / step draw easy drawing tutorials beginners things cool drawings simple steps tutorial lessons sketches basic kids techniques cartoon different blanket

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