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Great How To Draw Someone Looking Up of all time Don t miss out

Written by San Andy Mar 23, 2023 ยท 5 min read
Great How To Draw Someone Looking Up of all time Don t miss out

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Have you ever struggled with drawing a person looking up? It’s one of those things that seems simple enough, but can be surprisingly difficult to get right. The good news is, with a little bit of practice and the right techniques, anyone can learn how to draw someone looking up with confidence.

Common Pain Points in Drawing Someone Looking Up

One of the biggest difficulties in drawing someone looking up is getting the foreshortening right. Foreshortening is the way objects appear to get shorter as they move away from the viewer, and it’s particularly noticeable when drawing someone looking up. Another challenge is getting the perspective of the head and face correct, especially when it comes to the angles of the features.

How to Draw Someone Looking Up

So, how can you overcome these challenges and draw someone looking up? First, start by sketching out the basic shape of the head, making sure to include the tilt if the person is looking up. From there, add the facial features, using reference images if needed to ensure that the proportions are correct. For the body, pay attention to the angles and curves, making sure that the foreshortening is accurate.

Main Points to Keep in Mind

Some additional tips to keep in mind include using light lines for the initial sketch, using shading to emphasize the foreshortening, and paying attention to how the hair and clothing are affected by the pose. Another important aspect is capturing the expression on the person’s face - are they looking surprised, happy, or contemplative? This can add depth and emotion to the drawing.

Breaking it Down into Steps

To get started with drawing someone looking up, it can be helpful to break the process down into manageable steps:

person looking up1. Sketch out the basic shape of the head, including the tilt if applicable.

2. Add the facial features, paying attention to the proportions and angles.

3. Sketch out the body, making sure to capture the angles and foreshortening.

4. Add hair and clothing to the drawing, paying attention to how they are affected by the pose.

5. Shade and add detail to bring the drawing to life, including the expression on the person’s face.

Diving Deeper into the Techniques

When it comes to capturing the angles and foreshortening of the body, using reference images can be incredibly helpful. Look for photos or drawings that show people in similar poses and use those as a guide. Another technique is to use a wireframe or skeleton as a guide for the drawing, which can help you get the proportions and angles right from the beginning.

Personal Experience with Drawing Someone Looking Up

One technique that has worked well for me when drawing someone looking up is to start with a rough sketch using light lines. From there, I add in the basic shapes of the facial features and body, paying close attention to the angles and curves. Once I have the basic structure in place, I start to add in details and shading to bring the drawing to life.

Using the Right Tools

Having the right tools can also make a big difference when it comes to drawing someone looking up. Invest in a good quality pencil set with a range of shades, as well as a sketchbook or drawing paper that can handle erasing and shading. Consider using a blending tool such as a blending stump or tortillon to help create smooth shading and transitions between different areas of the drawing.

Mistakes to Watch Out For

One common mistake when drawing someone looking up is to make the eyes too large or too round. Remember that when the head is tilted back, the eyes will appear smaller and more almond-shaped. Another mistake is to forget about the neck - make sure to include enough detail to show the neck and collarbone, especially if the drawing includes the upper body.

Question and Answer

Q: How do I draw someone looking up from a low angle?

A: When drawing someone looking up from a low angle, start by sketching out the basic shape of the head and face. Make sure to emphasize the angle of the face and the foreshortening of the features. For the body, pay attention to the angles of the shoulders and neck, making sure to capture the tension and movement of the pose.

Q: Can I use a photo reference when drawing someone looking up?

A: Absolutely! Using a reference photo can be incredibly helpful when it comes to capturing the angles and proportions of the pose. Just be sure to use it as a guide rather than a strict template, and add your own personal touches and style to the drawing.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when drawing someone looking up?

A: Some common mistakes include making the eyes too large or round, forgetting to include the neck and collarbone, and not paying attention to the angles of the body and face. Using a reference image and paying careful attention to detail can help you avoid these mistakes and create a more accurate and realistic drawing.

Q: What tools do I need to draw someone looking up?

A: All you really need is a pencil and some paper! However, investing in a good quality pencil set with a range of shades and a blending tool such as a blending stump or tortillon can help you create more professional-looking drawings.


Drawing someone looking up can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By paying attention to the angles and foreshortening of the pose, using references and the right tools, and avoiding common mistakes, anyone can learn how to draw someone looking up like a pro. So grab your pencil and sketchbook, and start practicing today!

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